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This is a testing site for the U.S. Tax Court and not intended for public use. To learn more about starting a case, visit the U.S. Tax Court website.

Tax Court Rules

On this page you will find the Court's current Rules of Practice and Procedure, forms, and fee schedule. You will also find information regarding past amendments to the Rules.

Rules of Practice and Procedure

Rules Amendments

Rules of Practice and Procedure

NOTE: In order to reduce download time, each Rule has been stored as a separate PDF file. The Rules may be purchased in loose-leaf form from the Clerk's Office for $20.00 by writing to the United States Tax Court, 400 Second Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20217, and enclosing a check or money order for that amount payable to the "Clerk, United States Tax Court." Please do not send cash.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print the Rules of Practice and Procedure. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be obtained free of charge from

Title I. Rulemaking Authority, Scope of Rules, Publication, Construction, Effective Date, Definitions

Title II. The Court

Title III. Commencement of Case, Service and Filing of Papers, Form and Style of Papers, Appearance and Representation, Computation of Time

Title IV. Pleadings

Title V. Motions

Title VI. Parties

Title VII. Discovery

Title VIII. Depositions To Perpetuate Evidence

Title IX. Admissions and Stipulations

Title X. General Provisions Governing Discovery, Depositions and Requests for Admission

Title XI. Pretrial Conferences

Title XII. Decision Without Trial

Title XIII. Calendars and Continuances

Title XIV. Trials

Title XV. Decision

Title XVI. Posttrial Proceedings

Title XVII. Small Tax Cases

Title XVIII. Special Trial Judges

Title XIX. Appeals

Title XX. Practice Before the Court

Title XXI. Declaratory Judgments

Title XXII. Disclosure Actions

Title XXIII. Claims for Litigation and Administrative Costs

Title XXIV. TEFRA Partnership Actions

Title XXIV.A. Partnership Actions Under BBA Section 1101

Title XXV. Supplemental Proceedings

Title XXVI. Actions for Administrative Costs

Title XXVII. Actions for Review of Failure To Abate Interest

Title XXVIII. Actions for Redetermination of Employment Status

Title XXIX. Large Partnership Actions

Title XXX. Actions for Declaratory Judgment Relating to Treatment of Items Other Than Partnership Items With Respect to an Oversheltered Return

Title XXXI. Actions for Determination of Relief From Joint and Several Liability on a Joint Return

Title XXXII. Lien and Levy Actions

Title XXXIII. Whistleblower Actions

Title XXXIV. Certification and Failure to Reverse Certification Action with Respect to Passports


The forms that comprise the appendix can also be found on the Case Related Forms page.